Thursday, December 13, 2007

on the street where I live

My first post for the month of December... the month defined by nostalgia,memories of Christmasses past and hot mulled wine. The month where homesickness is taken to a whole new level, and where Christmas carols bring a bittersweet smile to my face.Its 4.15pm,the sky is greying towards darkness, and I'm at the computer, typing this in the company of my little Christmas tree,elegantly poised in the corner of the lounge, a mug of vanilla coffee, and Count Basie singing 'Sleigh Ridé'.

My landlord has just been by, and he is the loveliest old man. Along with my flatmate, we discussed history, travelling through India... he even mentioned one of his favourite haunts... which just so happens to be mine too..... its this quaint little second-hand bookshop called 'Voltaire and Rosseau'.MAGIC!!!!
Its absolutely amazing when you can make a connection with a 60-odd year old man you're meeting for the first time!!! And there was of course the perfunctory mention of a door-knob that needed mending and lights that needed rewiring!(Boring housekeeping jazz that doesn't merit anymore than a sentence of mention!)

Anyways, as I sit here and type, the view from across the other flats is really warm and cozy,I think at least.Through each window, I see different manifestations of the holiday season...there's a guy putting up his curtains as I type these words....and in the flat next to his, a mother is playing with her baby on the sofa with a red-lit tree close at hand....there's also a lady trying to wrap her presents.......haahha she's been trying for the past 15 minutes, and there's someone else who's also at his laptop.... maybe he's doing his Christmas shopping online... or maybe he's blogging about all the various window displays he can see from his side of the street!

Anyways,as its only the 12th of December, more posts infused with Christmas mush will ensue... fornow I'm off to go get lost in Borders!!:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.