Erghhhh... Talk about a dry spell. This could possibly be attributed to the fact that its been a fairly busy month in the world of Plastics,and usually by the time my feet touchdown at home, all capacity to do/think anything has dissipated.Just the other day I gargled with Pantence 'Ice Formula' shampoo instead of Listerine Orange mouthwash!!! WTH!!
So,as one might imagine,most evenings,its inconceivable to try and formulate reasonable thought processes that would then have to be translated to coherent sentences onto the blog. As it is, even on a normal baseline, when I've not been run off my feet on a 13 hour shift, you'll be lucky to get an entire sentence that ends with a full stop. They're usually clusters of words,jauntily strung together, interrupted with a preposition here, a question mark there and then they fade away.....
Come end of July, I would've finished my 2nd year of general training. What happens after...Jack only knows!!!Various issues with immigration have severely mitigated job opportunites for the Non-EU doctor.Furthermore,the current global economic blackhole that we find ourselves getting sucked into is not doing annnnyone annnnny favours!!!!
With all that said though,I think its time for a change of scene... and in view of the weather over the last week....its definitely time.
For the past 2 weeks, the sun in Glasgow has been held hostage by Cumulonimbus and gang!! And of course the rain just doesn't know when to stop... and is fervently abetted by the wind,which over the past 2 days has been terrorising the people of Glasgow.You need gravity belts to walk in a straight line and stop yourself from experiencing lift off!
There is only one word that comes to mind regarding the vicissitudinous climate at present-APOCALYPTIC!
So yes, converging back to the topic at hand, Australia has become the much favoured and most likely option.I've never been, but based on photographs of holidays taken, and various conversations with friends who now live there, it sounds pretty damn amazing!
Great weather, great work hours, great outdoors....yep!AMAZING!
So here I go,embarking on the trudge through all the red tape and paper work and online work *yuck*................bound for The Land Down Under.
"Hi.I'm Karen-doctor by day,beach hippy by night!"..... and then she wakes up!
1 comment:
Thank you for letting me read your blogs Karen! You certainly have a talent for the written verse and your words create a very vivid picture and/or emotion. It is very apparant your literary genius, due to the fact you suffer from that well known curse that haunts all of those with an imagination; romantacism! Brave and inspiring your expressions of hopes, dreams and longings. At least your dream of hotter and a more appealing climate are nearing fruition in the form of moving to Ozzieland. Look forward to catching up with your next insightful blog entry!
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