Wednesday, July 29, 2009

time to say goodbye

Man,its been awhile.... and alot has happened in 'awhile'. Completed my second year of residency,got a hair cut, said goodbye to Glasgow, went home for abit,moved to Melbourne...... all in the space of 1 year.

So yes- I truly truly enjoyed my training in the UK.It was amazing and shitty and fun and difficult and manic and sad and everything in between.It was the ultimate love-hate relationship and IT ROCKED!!!! I went from a timid,not so confident,totally wet behind the ears junior doctor to a more out-spoken,comfortable in my own skin, confident senior house officer.... a rite of passage I think EVERYONE goes through... in any walk of life. As one of my consultants told me- "Now at the end of it all.. you've got some hair on your chest!!"

As for the colleagues,I was fortunate enough to work with some world class surgeons and physicians,eccentric perfectionists who inspire...... amazing nurses,too many to mention,some of whom were like mothers, some like porters-Malchie,George,Vinnie-legends,absolute legends... and of course fellow peers and seniors.....WE HAD SOME FUN!!
As cringingly cliche as this is going to sound, it is because of the bonds formed between these people that the job was never just a job!!

Saying goodbye to everyone in Glasgow was probably one of the hardest things I've had to do in a long long time. 5 years of friendships which will undoubtedly remain lifelong,5 years of laughter,tears,walks,talks,dancing,making snow angels,movie marathons....and most importantly-5 years of self discovery.

BUT...... paraphrasing the immortal words of George Harrison-
"All (good) things must pass."

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