I remember......
...I must have been no more than 5,sitting in the hall with you on the carpet,playing with this multi-coloured toy set from Kathy's Toys, and Aretha Franklin was playing in the background.
...staying back in school for band practise and you walking over from the hospital with a packet of fried rice to give to me.
...you and me jogging around Padang Timur, me clearly struggling to keep up with your laps... motivated solely by the fact that there would be a gorgeous Rootbeer float at the end of it.
...reading the newspaper comic strips with you on the couch.
...you playing air guitar to Springsteen.
...the hospital trips to Langkawi and Camerons
...you taking me to see Yentl.... all i remember from that was this massive screen and a shot of some bridge... How old was I?? 4?5?
...all of us going to Rex cinema in KL at some ungodly hour at night and trying to buy tickets for Jurassic Park. Do you remember that????
...you taking me to see Indiana Jones in the cinema as a child. I think that was my first movie in the cinema. Thank you for bringing Spielberg into our lives!
...you taught me how to sketch the human face and form.
...sharpening my pencils for me before the school tests.
...when I was interested in supernatural phenomena and the extra-terrestial, you bought me beautiful books on them, and when I was into basketball, you got my Michael Jordan's biography.
...you and mummy taking me to Swensen's Ice-cream parlour after my Primary 2 prize-giving ceremony.
...the red BMX that 'magically appeard' on Christmas night... in the front porch. I still don't know how you managed that!
...the stupendous display of fireworks that you and mummy put on for us every year throughout our childhood.
...you sitting on the carpet and sowing ribbons into my ballet shoes.
...you being the only father sitting in on Parent's Day at ballet class.
...thinking to myself when you were walking out (tie and shirt and all)with me,in Form 2,-
"This is my dad.... tall, elegant, brilliant!!!" I remember feeling really proud and safe walking next to you.
...and the memories go on and on.....ad nauseum ad infinitum.
You truly are a unique individual,father,husband,doctor.....
you are my renaissance man.
1 comment:
Amazing.... very touching and innocent. Your blog writes are pretty amazing. Very individual! I'm a fan!
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