Monday, July 28, 2008

feet in mid-air

Solitude, such a lonely word, such a scary thought. I always thought that the word sounded like a vacumm, a black hole that sucked everything in and that was it ... .... there you'd be.... alone in limbo.

I've moved. I've been moved for almost a month now. My dear flatmate graduated, with honours I might add (that was specially put in for you Henk;)), and is now sailing the breadths of Croatia before another chapter of his life unfolds down in London. His departure from Glasgow meant that I would either have to move out into a new flat or much to my chagrin, look for a new flatmate. After a very brief, almost obligatory deliberation, I decided I was going to go it alone for this next year. I figured it was time that I lived by myself.... at least for a year. I've always wanted to try it... and the time was now. I am single, I can afford it ( well.. barely), so why the hell not!

It was love at first sight, this flat and I. I mean literally.. no sooner that it was showed to me that I said " Yes, I take you, Flat 0/1.. for better or worse ...."

I have to say, it took a little getting used, not so much the fact that I was coming home to an empty flat, but more the fact that it would remain empty throughout the night and the next morning when I woke up. It was just me and the comforting drone of the refridgerator.

However, as Father Time continues to hum along, I have grown accustomed to the silence. I think we all need that time in our lives, time to ourselves, and space to just be!

To twirl about the living room to the sounds of The Cat Empire.
To spend a lazy, debaucherous Saturday afternoon eating strawberry cheese cake ice-cream whilst going through an entire season of Sex and the City.
To just lie on the couch upside-down,feet dangling in the air and just ...BE!

The more I think about it now, as I write this, I'm beginning to wonder.....

Solitude..... could it just maybe turn out to be the greatest adventure of our lives???... That is should we be bold and brave enough to embark upon it! ;)